Doctor of Dental Surgery is the most commonly used full form of DDS in dentistry. This is a postgraduate course that you can opt for after you have completed dental school. DDS and DMD are used interchangeably, and the American Dental Association has clarified that both of them have the same meaning. Some universities across the globe offer DDS along with BDS as an integrated program.
The course duration of DDS is four years. After completing the BDS, you become a general dentist, but after DDS, you specialize in dental surgeries. You can operate standalone when you have completed DDS. Many students opt for DDS in India and even in America. Depending on your score and budget, you can choose the college for the DDS. The other known full forms of DDS are disability determination services, drug delivery system, delirium detection score, dialysis disequilibrium syndrome, differential descriptor scale, defence dental services, dental distress syndrome, diabetes distress scale, diploma in dental science, director of dental services, doctorate of dental surgery, doctor of dental science, doctor of dentistry, donated dental services, and damaged disk syndrome.