EDTA Full Form in Dentistry

What is the Full Form of EDTA In Dentistry?

The full form of EDTA is Ethylenediamide Tetraacetic Acid. This is more commonly known as PD EDTA 17%, and it is used to ease instrumentation and smear layer removal during root canal preparation. The major use of EDTA is for root canal irrigation. During and after the root canal, Ethylenediamide Tetraacetic Acid is also used for rinsing and removing debris. Ethylenediamide Tetraacetic Acid is widely used in dentistry.

What Else Should You Know About EDTA?

It is known that Ethylenediamide Tetraacetic Acid is a chelating agent. EDTA combines with the ions of calcium, and it inactivates it. Because of this property, EDTA has a decalcifying effect. EDTA is usually used with sodium hypochlorite solution for complete dissolution. The liquid is colourless and water- soluble. In addition, Ethylenediamide Tetraacetic Acid is also used for the removal of the lime scale. Ethylenediamide Tetraacetic Acid is available in various packaging sizes, and it can be procured according to usage. The effects of EDTA are widely studied in modern day dentistry.

The other full forms of EDTA are European Dialysis and Transplant Association, Edetate and Edetic Acid.

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