FPD Full Form in Dentistry

What is the Full Form of FPD In Dentistry?

The full form of FPD in dentistry is Fixed Partial Denture. The fixed partial denture is used for dental restoration to replace missing teeth. The FPD is usually attached to the dental implant or the adjacent teeth with the help of a dental adhesive. The fixture is permanent, and you may even see bridge dentures in case multiple teeth are missing.

What Else Should You Know About FPD?

FPDs are attached to the rigid ends of the teeth, providing durability and strength. They are of natural tooth colour, and hence aesthetics are taken care of while you are getting FPD. This is generally the most preferred dental restoration method as it is quick and easy. In addition, the maintenance of FPD is also easy. The only complication arises when you need an implant for the FPD. Otherwise, FPDs are relatively easy to fix and last for a long time. FPDs are resistant to general wear & tear during regular use.

Other full forms of FPD are Fine Particle Dose, Fixed prosthodontics, Field Potential Duration, Flat-Panel Detector, familial Parkinson's disease, Fat-Protein Diet, Femoropopliteal Disease, Filtered P-wave Duration and Frequent Physical Distress.

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