EPT Full Form in Dentistry

What is the Full Form of EPT In Dentistry?

The full form of EPT in Dentistry is Electrical Pulp Testing. This is a clinical and diagnostic procedure used to determine the health of the dental pulp. The dental pulp is located in the pulp chamber of the tooth and is connected to the root. EPT is an important test for determining the course of treatment. EPT is a sensitivity test.

What Else Should You Know About EPT?

While conducting EPT, an electric current is applied to the tooth, which triggers a neurological response. To conduct the EPT, a conducting medium like toothpaste is applied after drying the tooth. The probe is connected to the tooth, and the circuit is completed. It gives the patient a tingling sensation which confirms the tooth's sensitivity. Dentists should take care if the EPT is being conducted on the tooth adjacent to a metallic crown; otherwise, you may get a false result. In addition, there has been no known evidence of interference between pacemakers and EPT.

Other full forms of EPT are Enzyme-Prodrug Therapy, Epidemiology Team, Ergonovine Provocative Testing, Electric Pulp Tester, Electrical Pain Threshold, electric dental pulp vitality test and Emergency Preparedness Training.

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